Surface finish for spray bars

Hygienic surface finishes are essential in food processing, pharmaceuticals, and biotech due to their resistance to corrosion, ease of cleaning, and pathogen control. These surfaces are typically made smooth to prevent bacterial build-up and to ensure compliance with strict industry standards for product quality and purity.

The surface roughness average (Ra) is the most common metric used to assess smoothness and is measured in micrometers (also known as microns), the symbol for which is µm. Lower Ra values indicate smoother surfaces, which help minimise bacterial adhesion and contamination risks. For food processing, for example, it is recommended that stainless steel surfaces maintain a maximum Ra value of 0.8 µm but we can offer a range of finishes to suit your individual needs.

Please contact us to discuss your specific application so we can advise on the surface finish for your spray bar.

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