Mobile sprayers and foggers for disinfection
One solution to the problem of spray reach is to bring the spray to the target. This can be achieved by having mobile equipment operated and directed by a person. Clearly the equipment needs to be able to be carried and have suitable triggers and lances
to allow for control of the resulting spray/fog.
Manually operated
Backpack and compression sprayers will produce wet sprays. These will typically be above 100 micron average droplet size and so are definitely sprays rather than fogs. The surfaces treated by these sprayers will become wet. They have the advantage
of being cheap, versatile and fully mobile. They require no power source as pressure is obtained via the user pumping and pressurising the tank manually.
details on these products can be found on our Professional Sprayers People website by following the link below. Or, click on the product box to the right for a datasheet.
Motorized backpack foggers

These powerful units are suitable for distributing fogs over wide distances. They have a petrol motor driving what is essentially a backpack leaf blower unit with an additional liquid tank attached to it. The liquid from the tank is entrained in the powerful
airflow creating a fine low-volume fog.
These units will project a fog upto 15 metres from the nozzle. Fluid dosing can be controlled by selecting from a variety of metering tips with flows from as low as 0.03 litres per minute being achievable.
details on these products can be found on our Professional Sprayers People website by following the link below or click on the product box to the right for a datasheet.
Electric foggers
These devices require an electric power supply. So, their mobility is restricted to areas where a power cable can be run. They will run off a household power supply so this means they can still be used in a wide variety of workplaces with the use of power
extension cables and the like.
The electric fogger can be adjust to produce fogs with average droplet sizes down to the 29 micron range. This means the fogs produced are still wet fogs. As such they will form a good coating on a surface they come into contact with, however, the small
droplet size and low flow rate will ensure they fogs still have good air movement which will enable them to move around an environment to reach hard to
target areas.
Flow rates can be adjusted to between 0.015 l/min and 0.4 l/min. Droplet size ranges will be between 29 and 50 microns with the lower droplet sizes being attributed to the lower flow rates. With care, at the lower drop size and flow rates settings,
these units can be used safely around electrical equipment. We still recommend covering and protecting sensitive electrical and other equipment though.
Full details on these products can be found on our Professional Sprayers People website by following the link below. Or, click on the product box to the right for a datasheet.
More details on all these products can be found on our Professional Sprayers People website by following the links above, or direct access to the relevant product datasheets can be accessed by clicking the product boxes below.