Axial whirl full cone nozzle for foam control

With this design of full cone nozzle the fluid is set in whirl motion by an internal swirl core prior its ejection through the orifice.  This produces a full cone spray pattern with even distribution in the spray area.  The droplet sizes are medium and so give a blend of impact and large surface area, making them a good choice for foam suppression applications.  As relatively little fluid needs to be sprayed in most foam control applications the low flow variations of the axial whirl design are often a good choice.

For 'lumpy' fluids we offer a clog-resistant variation on this design.  The MaxiPass range of nozzles has a large free passage internal swirl chamber meaning it is less likely to clog.  This feature is often a necessity in foam control applications. 

This design of nozzle may be desirable over spiral designs in some cases as the spray pattern-forming veins are not exposed making the nozzle more robust.  For lighter foam control applications the low flow (MPL) variant may be required.

Full information on each of the nozzle ranges can be found by clicking on the relevant product box below.

nozzle catalogue

Foam Control Engineering Considerations:

Foam Control Nozzle Designs:


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