Gas scrubbing
Spiral nozzles for gas scrubbing

This range of nozzles produce a spray by impacting the fluid onto an external helix. This shears the fluid, breaking it up and producing a concentric, but overlapping cones of spray forming a full cone pattern. This design of nozzle produces
finer droplets than other hydraulic full cone nozzles but, critically for many gas scrubbing applications, also produces some larger droplets. These larger droplets tend to concentrate at the edges of each concentric ring of spray and help to
carry the small droplets with them into a fast flowing gas. In this way spiral nozzles can deliver fine droplets to areas that would not be reached by other designs of nozzle. This makes them ideal for many gas scrubbing applications.
SNP offer a number of different spiral nozzles. The standard TF range gives great versatility and comes in many sizes and spray angles. But also the TFXP range of extra large free-passage nozzles might be considered if the reagent being sprayed
is lumpy and prone to clogging. The ST range of spirals are built to be abrasion- resistant which may be desirable for some gas scrubbing applications. Again this comes in a extra large free-passage variant (STXP). Finally, for smaller
gas scrubbing applications where complex absorption or removal of the spray is required, the L series of low flow rate spirals may be the nozzle of choice.
Full details on each range of nozzle can be found by clicking on the relevant product box below.