Fine spray at low flow rates for odour control
Odour control requires the delivery of very fine sprays with large surface areas to react with and absorb odour causing particles and gasses. At the same time, the overall volume of sprays needed tend to be low. SNP offer a number of direct pressure low flow rate nozzles that produce such finely atomised sprays. But in some cases direct pressure nozzles cannot produce the required level of atomisation at the flow rate required.
The problem is that direct pressure nozzles rely upon the kinetic energy of the fluid to break up the fluid into fine droplets. As the internal energy of the fluid is dependant on pressure and flow rate there is simply no way for direct pressure nozzles to form very fine droplets below certain flow rates. If the flow rate in question is above the level that can be suspended in the air space being humidified (i.e. above the equilibrium point for the system), then direct pressure nozzles are not an option. Instead, air atomising nozzles will need to be considered.
SNP offer a number of low flow variants of direct pressure misting nozzles which will have suitably low flow rates for many odour control applications, but air atomising nozzles can provide ultra low flow rates and still maintain exceptionally fine droplets. For details on how both types of nozzle work please see the information in the Odour Control Nozzle Designs pages accessible by the blue menu to the right hand side of this page.