Nozzles for the paper industry - Cleaning (high and low pressure showers)
Generally two types of contaminant need to be cleaned from the felt or wire. Sticky substances (glues, latexes or hot melts) or fibres. Stickies will normally require high pressure solid stream nozzle showers to remove them. In most cases fibres can be cleaned with and array of flat fan nozzles.
SNP offer a range of flat fan and solid stream nozzles for use in wash showers. SNP are the exclusive UK distributors for specialist trim and high pressure cleaning nozzle manufacturer ML Gatewood. For high pressure washing these nozzles can be made with ceramic or ruby orifices for extra wear resistance. We also produce a fully-made shower unit - the Thunder Shower.
Full product details can be found by clicking on the boxes below
Shower Nozzles

Thunder Shower
The Thunder Shower is a range of pre-assembled spray bars incorporating an internal cleaning brush. The brush cleaning can be automated or manual.
Further details
Full details on cleaning nozzle selection are given in our cleaning application section. More specific details on the high impact cleaning required in paper mills can be found in spray challenges part of this paper industry section.