Air atomising hollow cone nozzles
These nozzles use a secondary fluid or gas to break up the primary spraying fluid into an exceptionally fine spray (atomisation). The secondary fluid is usually air, but can be any gas, but the term "air atomising" is used for all. Normally air atomising nozzles are used to produce evenly distributed, finely atomised full cone sprays. However, a variation on the design with multiple exit orifices can by used to create a hollow cone finely atomised pattern.

The main advantage of these over other types of hollow cone nozzle is that they can form the hollow cone pattern with very low flow rates and pressures. With spiral and whirl designs the kinetic energy of the fluid itself is used to break up the flow into droplets to form the spray pattern. As kinetic energy is essentially a function of flow rate and pressure, this means that there is a minimum flow rate required to break up the fluid into a spray pattern. With air atomisation a secondary source of energy is introduced in the form of pressurised gas and this is used to break up the fluid into a spray pattern. As the kinetic energy of the primary fluid is no longer needed to form the spray pattern, hollow cone patterns can be established with much lower fluid flows from this type of nozzle.
BETE produce two different air atomising hollow cone nozzles. The standard XAad and an extra wide spray angle variant the XAxw. Full product information can be found by clicking on the relevant box below.

To compare the features of all hollow cone nozzles please access the hollow cone nozzle cheat sheet by clicking on the orange button to the right hand side of this page